Saturday, September 1, 2012

Delicious Green Smoothie

Today we did, well, Jeremy did, some getting-ready-for-move-cleaning. We got rid of Leilani’s bed, not the mattress, just the frame. It’s five years old and has become a danger. The spindles were falling off and nearly hit people in the head (Leilani and me). It was kinda sad to see it go, I gave birth to Leilani on that bed, but safety definitely comes first! Now, her mattress is in the master bedroom, so we’ll all be co-sleeping for a while *grin*. Her room is now the play room. I just couldn’t handle stepping on one more Lego or Lincoln Log!

I made a delicious green smoothie this afternoon, the ginger gave it a bit of a kick, and it’s chock full of different colors, which means TONS of nutrients and antioxidants. It was all gone before I could take picture, though *grin* Yummy and good for you! You’ll need a high-powered blender to make it, and put the ingredients in in the order listed. Other than that, enjoy!

Delicious Green Smoothie

2 cups water
1 tablespoon ground flaxseed
1 tablespoon ginger paste
2 loose cups spinach
2 apples, quartered (NOT peeled)
1 cup frozen pineapple chunks
1 frozen banana, broken into chunks

Put all ingredients into blender and blend until fully combined. I got two large servings, plus one small one for Leilani, from this.

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