Sunday, September 2, 2012


So I'd like to start off by saying, I have the best husband in the world. He packed more boxes, cleaned the living room, did dishes and cleaned the kitchen in the past couple of days. Actually, he cleans the kitchen a LOT...he's really good at it. He also made me a PBJ while Natalia was napping on me, made Leilani a bunch of bagels while Natalia was napping on me, helped keep Leilani quiet so Natalia could nap and is just generally awesome!

We all slept in until around 10 this morning, so stayed home from church. Natalia and I did run to the store - we seem to go through our soy milk and fruit awfully quickly! While I was there I finally remembered to get the Mr. Clean Magic Erasers to clean the walls....those things are awesome! We'll need to get a few more though, to get the walls spotless for moving out. Ergh. Oh, and I'm finally doing laundry, too. We made the delicious green smoothie from yesterday again, so I probably should've bought more spinach.

Tonight we're gonna watch the new Sherlock Holmes movie. Hopefully I'll get to bed a bit earlier tonight than I did last night!

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