Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Stormy Day

When I woke up this morning, I thought it was much earlier than it was....it's been overcast and stormy all day. Leilani played out on the porch and would run back towards the doors anytime a gust of wind sent water spraying across the balcony :) Natalia LOVED sitting on my lap in the door and watching the rain and wind. We spent a good twenty minutes just watching. She also sat in her Bumbo seat and watched as Leilani picked flowers for me, Natalia and her daddy, then decided she needed to pick one for her cousin Gracie (who we'll be seeing in a couple weeks, so Leilani said we have to keep the flower safe and beautiful until then lol). Storms really are beautiful, I just have one little issue with this one - one of the clashes of thunder woke Natalia from her nap. Only the Moby could get her back to sleep.

Leilani chose dinner today - spaghetti. I figured out a nice little trick for breaking the noodles without making a mess (I like my noodles shorter because they're easier to eat, and with litte kids make less of a mess!). My nice little trick? Break them while they're still in the bag, then open the bag and dump them into the water...waalaa...short noodles with no mess :).

Since my dh is going to Senegal for two weeks for a training exercise, and since tomorrow's the Fourth, he's off today. But since it was stormy we just stayed home and played electronic games - Leilani on the iPad (she played her favorite...Angry Birds she, however, calls it Baby Birds lol), my dh on his phone and I, well I spent alot of time on Pinterest :)


  1. beautiful flowers!!! The only plant I can keep alive is aloe...

    1. LOL...I'm BARELY keepiing these ones alive...I really have a black thumb. But Leilani's enjoying them, I figure that's what counts :)
