There was another martial arts and dog demo today, followed by the USMC Rock Band. Now, I didn't know the words to the songs, but I attempted to sing along because it was getting the biggest grins from Natalia. She didn't care that mama garbled all the lyrics *grin*
After the rock band, the regular band played. There was a team of Marines who ran out and planted the flag just like on Iwo Jima - very awesome!
Of course, because of my position, I could only capture them from the back before they ran :).
Then came the Silent Drill Platoon. We could only watch on the jumbo screen, but they did march right past us
Finally, came the MAGTF Demo itself - and then I was even more glad we were in the car - the aircraft are beautiful, but LOUD.
MV-22 Osprey
Recon jumping in
After the show, when most of the people had cleared out, we got out of the vehicle for a couple minutes and Leilani got to meet a couple of police horses
The girls and I are going to go home tomorrow - I have LOTS of laundry to do, Natalia went through 5 outfits yesterday alone, and a few more today. Her laundry may consist of the smallest clothes, but it makes the biggest loads!
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