We made a "paper doll dress"...take a huge piece of butcher paper (or, as in my case, a huge piece of packing paper lol) and trace your daughter on it - either have her lay down or use her shadow, or you can completely avoid this part and use one of her dresses and trace it onto the paper - If you trace her or her shadow, you'll have to draw a dress around her traced form. Make sure, when you cut it out, it's doubled so the dress has a front and back :). Staple the sides together and let your daughter go to town decorating it :)
We had a "whimsical tea" today...I took a tomato wrap and spread sunflower seed butter and strawberry preserves on it, rolled it up and cut it into six pieces for the main part of my daughters meal, and we had some cheesy "fries" left from our trip, they're like those cheese straw thingies - some of my girlies faves :).
We had a parfait for dessert - cookies and ice cream :)
Our final project for our "Princess Camp" today was making a poster - thank goodness I have oodles of Disney princess stickers I've collected over the years that my daughter's not used *smiles*
As you can see, my 5yo decorated and did her own poster, while I did the baby's lol.
We read another chapter in Felicity's Surprise. My 5yo's really enjoying the books! We've been talking about manners and behaviour since the last book talked about tea parties and this book has Felicity going to a dancing lesson/ball at the governor's palace. Perfect time to start learning and enforcing manners :) We read the first chapter in A Little Book of Manners: Courtesy and Kindness for Young Ladies...it's a cute little book and seems to be a fun introduction for my daughter.
I've been enjoying being vegetarian (really, more near-vegan) and trying new foods and experimenting...today for dinner I made (from scratch) tomato soup and served it over Israeli couscous...I didn't even know there was such a thing as Israeli couscous or that it differed from regular couscous - Israeli couscous is bigger and thicker than regular couscous. (keep saying couscous...it's an addictive word lol). My 5yo ate it up...she loves soup, tomatoes and being "negetarian" as she calls it *grin*.
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